STOMP™ therapy services


Self Talk Over Mother's Plight (STOMP™) establishes a new frontier of looking at adoption through the life cycle of an adoptee. Adoption is the new Ellis Island for children of unfortunate events. The presentations and accompanying study guide presents in compact form a review of one's family tree, family time, family ties. When one is born INTO a family they are born into connections between the past, present, and future of their lineage. However when one is PICKED to be part of a family the concept of the Passage of Time does not exist. Births, deaths, marriages, graduations, holidays, travels, other important milestones are never present because the beginning is with the adoptee and not passed down as stories, history, or experience. The adoptee is truly the Alpha and the Omega in their search for meaning. Contents presented in seminar format with eight training modules covering the lifespan of Infancy where one confronts the Pick A Baby Syndrome; Early Childhood and the 1st love and being told that you were picked from all the other babies; School age when you really discover that your name is not your name; Adolescence has the gift from the heavens becoming the nightmare from another dimension or the Poster Child for why one does not adopt; Young Adulthood becomes the search for Camelot; Adulthood confronts the monster in the mirror (broken relationships) to finally old age where one decides that it has been full of very good years and they are now the family roots that bind the new generation.

Click to hear Dr. Nicklen's intro to Adoption and STOMP™ therapy

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